Your Impact

Community fundraisers make a huge difference to the animals in the care of RSPCA Qld. It is only thanks to supporters like you that RSPCA Qld can rescue, rehabilitate and rehome animals every day.

How your fundraising helps


May provide a kitten in need with a warm bed and litter for a night


Will help cover the cost of antibiotics for a sick animal in the shelter this week


Will help desex an abandoned puppy


Will help provide specialist care and surgery for a wildlife patient


Will help cover the cost of feeding 3 rescue horses for 1 week


Will help subsidise the cost of prosecuting an animal cruelty offender in court




Raised for animals in Queensland

How would you like to fundraise?

I am for...


Birthday, Anniversary, Adoptaversary, Party

I am for...

Doing it My Way

Host any event that sparks your imagination

I am for...

Being Active

Run, race, lift, cycle, swim 

I am for...

Being Brave

Shave your head, colour your hair, skydive, bungy jump!

I am for...

A Wedding

Donations instead of gifts or Donate in the name of your guests

I am for...


Celebrate the life of a beloved person or pet.

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